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Skill Development Workshop with a difference By CWMA

Skill Development Workshop with a difference

CWMA’S INSTITUTE OF SKILL DEVELOPMENT organised an online workshop of three days starting from 7th July, 2024 followed by 11th July 2024 and was concluded on 13th July 2024. We had Guests from all over the world on the three days.

The programme aimed to develop public speaking skills in students and boost their self confidence to present themselves infront of the world.

There were 34 participants who were part of this magnificent workshop who had joined from Assam and Mumbai. It was an online workshop.
Mrs Rachana Chakraborty(Founder & Mentor CWMA), Mrs Monjoyee Sarma Patgiri (Director CWMA) and Ms Mehjabeen Choudhury were the core members of the Creative Workshop.

The first day was the inauguration day which was accompanied by workshops on Public Speaking, Extempore Speech and Debate. The Public Speaking sector was being mentored by Dr. Prof. Pramod Kumar Rajput (India), the Extempore Speech being mentored by Jeannie Rapstad (U.S.A) and Debate was mentored by Prof. Nada Ratkovic (Croatia). The workshops were displayed with elegant and informative slides prepared by our esteemed guests. After each workshop, activities were conducted to engage the students. There were also mock competitions organised with experienced persons inorder to give the students an essance about what their respective roles are in the competitions.

The second day was the competition day which was held on 11th July ’24. Three competitions were held: Extempore Speech, Declamation Speech and Debate. All the three being judged by global guests including Dorit Oliver-Wolff (U.K), Dr. Dipendra Kumar Mazumder (INDIA), Dr. Oli Goswami (INDIA) and Sunanda Chhetri (IIT Guwahati, INDIA).

On the third day or concluding, 13th July ’24, the prize winners were declared. And all the participants were honoured with virtual certificates. The prize winners were sent exciting gifts and certificates of excellence. It ended with the remarks of the guests, who highlighted the flaws of the students and appreciated the perfection of their speeches. The participants were also given the golden opportunity to ask any kind of doubts regarding the activities to the judges present in the first two days. This interaction not only helped the students to polish their skills but also helped them to introduce themselves infront of these famous personalities.

In a nutshell, the event was successful in bringing out the hidden skills of the young marvels infront of global personalities. The event was also successful in developing the self confidence of all the participants.


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